Family isn’t always blood.

This is probably going to my most personal blog post yet but it has to be written.

I’m currently sitting in the waiting room of the doctors, sunlight pouring in waiting for my last therapy session. I’ve been waiting for this day for YEARS. Now I’m actually sitting here, it’s quite daunting knowing this is it, time to face the world by myself now, how will I cope? When this is all I’m used to, there’s one answer for it.

Family, I’m not talking blood related, I’m talking the ones who are always there for you when you need them, the ones who never let you down, will always pick up the phone and know how to bring you back up into that happy place. That’s friends but also family. My baby boy, my partner and mums side of the family they’re the ones that get me through everyday.

Even mums friends, half of them are my second family, when mum went away whilst I was pregnant they were there for me, not my father nor his side of the family but my mums friends. Then there is my step dad who has been an absolute treasure as well as his family that I’m proud to call my own, some of the most caring and funniest people I know.

The last session of therapy is a massive up yours to the one that is my dad, to this day he never has and probably never will support my sister and I in the way we need/needed him to. Just like him and his family said “we may be blood related but we are no longer family”. I must say now I’ve come to terms on it, this has opened my eyes as to who my real family is. Thanks to that I’m in a much better place, a much happier person and a nicer person to be around overall.

So I thank you dad for teaching me this lesson, if you read this please take this from me: treat my baby sister better than you treated us.

Therapy is done and I’m never going to go back to needing it again. This is a thank you to my family the ones who fight to see me, ask me how I am and support me through everything.

However to dad I hope you realise the pain you caused but know it taught me the truth, I’m no longer mad about it, but still up yours. I’ve made it and I’m doing it without you.

Abi xoxo

5 thoughts on “Family isn’t always blood.

  1. Sounds like a post I made ages ago called Blood Isn’t Always Thicker Than Water. I look forward to hearing how you get on and wish you all the best x


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